How to get your (dream) mentor✨

Fikeyinmi O
2 min readMay 5, 2021

I was listening to a conversation on Twitter spaces and the speaker shared that they get thousands of requests reading “will you be my mentor”. This method will probably not get you very far.

I will share three tips that helped me get my desired mentor!

  1. Be interested in them🤗
    Read their articles, join their communities, interact with their work/ content. No one wants to have a one-sided relationship. You have to be genuinely interested in them, not just what they can do for you!
  2. Be ready to play the long game🏈
    Chances are your desired mentor is quite a busy person, be ready to keep following up. Share your progress, ask relevant questions and keep up with the things they are working on! It is a relationship and should be treated as one.
  3. Offer help 🤝
    Again, you need to give something to get something in return. Think carefully about how you can help your mentor and make an offer to volunteer your time or expertise in a way that will benefit them.
    This is a win-win, you get proximity and they get something in return too!

I hope this helps someone shoot their mentor shot!

Share any other tips you have on getting a mentor in the comments!



Fikeyinmi O

Multi-hyphenate (more than one thing) ✨ Product Manager 📲 Building for the girls @thekumucircle 💫 Navigating life x writing about it - 🌟